Project information: GP-377 The project is located in the Avcilar area in the European side of Istanbul As this area is classified as one of the vital areas in Istanbul,...
Project information: GP-364 The project is located in the Avcilar area in the European side of Istanbul this area is classified as one of the vital areas in Istanbul, the...
Information about the projects and its location GP-243 Its located in Avcilar area, it consists of 4 buildings with a modern and special design The number of apartments in the...
information about the project and its location GP-228 It is located in the Avcilar area, which is one of the areas with permanent growth, attracting great interest from the government...
GP-360 Project: It is located in Avcilar, in the European side of Istanbul, this area is classified as one of the vital areas in Istanbul. The project was designed with modern...